Shiseido announced its global partnership with the Academy Award-winning actress and fashion icon. Ann Hataway for Vital Perfection, an anti-aging skincare line that defies the effects of time through exploration of the skin’s intrinsic potential. Shiseido believes that Anne Hathaway perfectly captures the versatility of the Vital Perfection line, a line that allows you to maximize your skin’s potential.
“RS Hathaway has earned ever-increasing respect around the world for her acting career and numerous talents,” she says. Shiho NagasakaShiseido’s Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications, but it’s her sophistication, resilience and respectful eye for inner and outer beauty that make her the perfect spokesperson for life’s perfection.”
Based on decades of research, Vital Perfection works deeper than traditional anti-aging products, working in harmony with the skin’s natural processes and harnessing its innate potential. It acts on already existing bonds in the skin, stimulating the flow of nutrients that give it nourishment and beauty. Work with the body to unlock the deepest potential of the skin, regardless of age.
“I love that Vital Perfection is designed to work in harmony with the body. Vital Perfection is based on research that works along the same pathways that stimulate the flow of nutrients to keep skin looking its best, interacting effectively and naturally with the body, giving you the best possible results. I have always been fascinated by the philosophy of excellence in life and how you combine the simple elegance of tradition with knowledge acquired over time in such a balanced and detailed way,” concludes Anne Hathaway.