Annual flu vaccination campaign begins

The province of Santa Fe has begun its 2024 influenza virus vaccination campaign, which is free and mandatory every year and takes place in accordance with the national immunization calendar.

In this regard, Gabriela Clementz, Provincial Director of the Expanded Program on Immunization (PAI), reported on the logistical aspects of the campaign and highlighted the importance of its implementation.

“On Thursday the 21st, the influenza vaccination campaign begins with the goal of reducing complications, hospitalizations, sequelae and deaths caused by influenza virus infection,” Clements said.

He explained, “We are vaccinating the most vulnerable and exposed groups first and then proceeding to the entire target or recipient population: health workers and staff, staff and residents (seniors) of senior facilities; because while all of us Anyone can have the disease, but some groups are more likely to develop complications.”

The head of PAI continued: “In this way, the first batch of vaccines will be allocated to these two highest risk groups and, in accordance with the regulations of the National Ministry of Health, must be made available to health personnel during a period when the spread of influenza is most severe Nursing staff are also the elderly who are most vulnerable due to their age.

We then continue to treat pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy; postpartum women (if not vaccinated during pregnancy), children 6 months to 2 years of age, people 2 to 64 years of age with risk factors, and 65 years of age and above.

Importance of Annual Dosage

Gabriela Clementz, on the other hand, explained the significance of annual doses for the target group and the importance of their participation.

“Every year, we hope that during March/April, the National Health Service will be able to deliver the vaccines that will be in circulation for those months (for example, 2024). So as they become available, new strains start to be distributed and applied, it The formula is different from the strains used in previous years, in this case 2023. That is why it is necessary to receive an annual dose to get more protection,” he stressed.

“In other words,” Clements continued, “flu vaccination must be administered in a timely manner, ideally before the start of winter (the phase of greatest influenza virus spread). However, depending on national, regional and local epidemiology Due to the dynamics of virus transmission, influenza vaccination will continue throughout the remainder of the year.”

Then, subject to vaccine availability, the campaign will begin free of charge and compulsorily in all health centers and public hospitals with vaccination centers across the province, targeting identified target groups.

Target population

The following people will receive influenza vaccination:
* Health personnel.
*Pregnant women: With every pregnancy and any trimester: With every pregnancy, you must receive influenza and covid-19 vaccines in any trimester, acellular triple bacterial vaccine (DTPA) starting in the 20th week of pregnancy, And get respiratory vaccines and syncytial virus vaccine between 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy.
* Postpartum group: if not vaccinated during pregnancy, until discharge from the maternity hospital – up to 10 days.
* Boys and girls 6 to 24 months: If not previously vaccinated, give two doses.
* Persons between 2 and 64 years of age with risk factors: Documentation of pre-existing medical conditions, including risk factors.
* Persons 65 and older.
* Strategic personnel whose performance is critical to maintaining essential functions (e.g., national security forces).

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