Anti-flu medication: What is this medication used for? Why do experts advise against taking it?

Experts advise against taking anti-flu medications (illustrative graphic message)

he anti-flu medications It is a popular drug that has been used for many years to treat body aches, congestion, and runny noses caused by colds; however, although many people usually take this drug, one doctor posted on social networks that, This medication should not be used to treat this condition.

through social networks Diego Ramonforshared the reasons why the above medications may have an impact on health rather than promote recovery.

Diego Ramonfaur shares the reasons why Antiflu-Des SALUD AJT is not recommended
european publishing house

The doctor shared via his

Therefore, he went through several publications to explain why people should not take this antidote, first sharing information about the three ingredients of this drug, namely amantadine, chlorpheniramine and paracetamol.

He announced that amantadine is an antiviral drug primarily used to treat illnesses such as influenza. Due to its mechanism of action, it does not treat the common cold virus. According to experts, since 2011, Influenza creates almost 100% resistance antagonizes this compound, so its use is no longer recommended to treat this condition.

On the other hand, he noted that amantadine has side effects on the central nervous system, which is why it is recommended for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. He also added that the drug should not be taken for three reasons: it is used to treat influenza; it is no longer effective against said disease; and because it has side effects across the globe.

The drug is made of three compounds SALUD FEFE
european publishing house

The second compound that makes up the drug is chlorpheniramine, which Ramon Fore notes is an antihistamine, so it understandably blocks the effects of histamine.

Epidemiologists point out that histamine, a hormone that regulates blood vessel dilation, helps congestion of nasal tissue, thereby relieving the feeling of congestion.

“Chlorpheniramine is a first-generation antihistamine, which means it has side effects on the brain, including sedation. There are already second- and third-generation antihistamines that have the same decongestant effects, but There are no brain side effects,” he explains.

In view of the above, Ramonfaur stated that as old antihistamines Since it has side effects, it is best not to use it.

The third compound is paracetamol, which, according to doctors, is a noble analgesic, in addition to being effective and having few side effects; however, the only serious risk is overdose, since healthy people are advised to consume less every day Above four grams, people with liver problems are advised to consume less than three grams per day.

Some compounds in Antiflu-Des may have side effects (Freepik)

Still, experts explain that problems can arise when someone takes a high dose of paracetamol and adds anti-flu medications without thinking they were added. 300 mg paracetamol Each dose increases the risk of toxicity from this drug.

The doctor concluded that the drug it does work Treats symptoms of the common cold; however, it comes with many unnecessary risk This can be avoided by taking the appropriate medication for each disease.

Additionally, epidemiologists urge people not to self-medicate but to see a doctor for effective treatment of their condition.

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