Apples, onions and pineapples: These foods may protect you against allergies and the flu | Health | Magazine

How much truth is contained in the two sentences coined by Hippocrates: “Take food for medicine and medicine for food”? They wrote a book about it and launched a miniseries on Netflix. This time we want to talk to you about how to eat healthily to protect yourself from allergies.

In Cuídate Plus, they note, “A diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3s can help relieve allergy symptoms. They also remember that an allergy sufferer’s best allies are vitamin C and folate, nutrients with anti-inflammatory properties, Helps relieve allergic reactions.

How to strengthen our defense capabilities? Learn about nutrients that improve our immune system.

What foods to eat to protect yourself from allergies

1. Apples and Oranges: According to Body Mind, apples are rich in quercetin, a flavonoid that regulates the immune system and helps minimize allergic reactions. Regarding oranges, they stress that “this fruit is one of the most recommended during allergic reactions and/or flu symptoms, as its high vitamin C content strengthens the body’s immune system,” El Tiempo writes.

2 onions: Onions “provide sulfur amino acids needed for liver function. In addition, this bulb is rich in quercetin, an antioxidant with antihistamine effects.”

3. Chili: They can relieve symptoms in people with allergies. They explain in Infobae that cayenne pepper’s properties include: “Cyprinic powder is a natural decongestant that can help relieve congestion in the nose and paranasal sinuses and may even reduce postnasal drip.”

On the other hand, they stress, “it helps to thin mucus secretions, thereby making this symptom less uncomfortable.” The culprit responsible for this behavior is capsaicin, which has been shown in laboratory studies to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. “

4. Carrots: All foods rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A have a protective effect on the immune system, and the protective effects are even greater if they are flavored with healthy fats. They remember in Body Mind that carrots were one of them.

5. Pineapple, pineapple: The fruit is “rich in vitamin C, manganese and bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme that has long been used as an alternative therapy to treat a variety of health conditions, including relieving seasonal allergies.”

According to Infobae, in the body, “bromelain breaks down proteins that cause inflammation while helping to reduce sinus mucosal inflammation and relieve congestion associated with seasonal allergies.”

Benefits of drinking turmeric, ginger and lemon tea

6. Turmeric and Ginger: Turmeric contains a lot of vitamins (C, E, B family, etc.). Cuídate Plus emphasizes that “the active ingredient curcumin is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects that helps prevent cell aging.” Ginger says it is a vitamin-rich antioxidant that boosts immunity against allergies and respiratory diseases. Ability, also has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties to improve digestion and strengthen defenses.

7. Flaxseed: They claim these are the greatest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are key to fighting allergies. Additionally, they contain selenium, which helps enhance the effects of antioxidants and strengthen the immune system.

It is recommended to eat more magnesium-rich foods to boost the immune system

8 cabbage: This vegetable, like cabbage and broccoli, “in addition to being high in vitamin C, is also rich in glutamine, an amino acid that helps heal the intestinal wall when it becomes hyperpermeable, benefiting the function of the digestive system. .”

9. Green tea: BanMédica says on its website that the catechins it offers “have powerful antioxidant effects, as they limit oxidative stress, thereby enhancing inflammation and allergic immune activation.”

10.Salmon: Salmon is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve health by helping fight inflammation in the body and relieve some allergy-related symptoms, according to a study conducted by Mexico’s National Institute for Genomic Medicine.

11 garlic: It has been widely regarded as a natural antibiotic.

12 more fruits: “Citrus fruits such as lemons and kiwis are highly recommended, as well as bananas, pears, figs, grapes, mangoes, melons and watermelons.”


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