Aragon prepares anti-flu campaign from early summer, including children

Aragon’s public health department spent weeks preparing next flu campaign For this he will keep some 400,000 doses of vaccine The investment will exceed 4 million euros. Forecasts will start with residential users and health and social health professionals, and continue with people over 65 and those at high risk. For the first time, the program is available to children aged 6 months to 5 years. In addition, the coronavirus vaccine will be administered for the third consecutive year.

As explained by Francisco Javier Falo, the Acting Director-General of Public Health, planning for the campaign began in early summer.Last season their management range was 320,000 doses of flu vaccine. 82.2% of Aragonese over the age of 80 received the vaccine, higher than the target of 75% set by the Ministry of Health. Among those over 65, it was 72 percent. However, coverage of health personnel was not as expected, with coverage during the anti-influenza campaign being around 42.5%.

The exact start date will depend on the availability of the pharmaceutical company. Farrow recalls that the flu vaccine procurement contract stemmed from a framework agreement with the Ministry of Health. Vaccines against the new coronavirus continue to be provided by the central government.

The model will be similar to the previous season, Get flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time Medical centers (other than residential) and places where medical professionals may travel. The idea is to develop the movement among the oldest, the most vulnerable and health professionals. Administration can be sorted by age group, with those over 80 continuing later with those over 65.

In the meantime, depending on the availability of the vaccine, it is possible to combine influenza immunizations in the pediatric population, as the administration of the vaccine will take place in the pediatric nursing office: “If we have a vaccine, it can be included at the same time, otherwise it will be considered staggered”.

Public health emphasizes the importance of preventing this disease in children because of its high incidence. “This childhood vaccination has a dual purpose,” Farrow clarified. On the one hand, reducing the complications that severe cases may bring to minors, thereby reducing the number of hospitalizations and the need for health care; on the other hand, Minimize the spread of the virusto help stop the spread of influenza throughout the population.

The covid-19 pandemic ended a few weeks ago, as did vaccinations against the virus Manages over 3.3 million units in Aragon. Health centers still have doses in case someone wants that protection, but its administration has become anecdotal. “Coronavirus continues to spread”“But the incidence is very low,” Fallow said. Public health recommends that older adults take advantage of the flu joint campaign to get immunized in the fall.

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