Arcane Season 2: Confirmed Return of an Unexpected Character.


Silco voice actor Jason Spisak confirms that he is recording lines for the second season of Arcana, hinting at the character’s return despite his death in the first season. Possibilities for Silko’s return in Season 2 could include him appearing in Jinx’s hallucinations or exploring Piltover and Zaun’s past to provide additional story context. Silko’s influence on the show’s world and his role in shaping Jinx’s journey make his return intriguing, and fans will be interested to see how he continues to influence the storyline.

Surprise Face will return in season two of Arcane, as Silco voice actor Jason Spisak confirms he’s recording lines for new episodes despite his character’s passing in season one. Silko, leader of the chemical barons of Zaun, was the adoptive father of Jinx (Ella Purnell), who had ambitions to free Zaun from the control of the Piltover council. Despite his power and role, Silko was forced to choose between his ambitions for Zaun and his daughter, and he was later killed by Jinx during a violent standoff.

Although Silko appeared to die onscreen in episode 9 of “The Monster You Made”, Spisak told YouTube channel Ikuzo Unscripted that he is recording new lines for upcoming episodes. Although there have been few updates to the highly anticipated second season of Arcane, the voice actor revealed that he has permission from Riot Games to reveal that he will be providing new dialogue for the second season. Spisak’s full commentary follows:

“Damn you (Alex and Christian) for the way the first season ended! (laughs) Well, I recorded a few lines for the second season. They let me. Riot Games let me tell people. They said, “You can officially let people know that you’ve recorded lines for the second season.” So I can say that I succeeded.”

As Silko, he was a major player in the events of the first season of Arcane, and nearly got everything he wanted when Jace proposed a peace treaty to avoid a vicious war between Zaun and Piltover, though it required him to bring Jinx to Piltover. Although Silko did not want to betray her, she listened to his conflicting thoughts and subsequently kidnapped him, seating him at the table during his one-on-one meeting with Vee (Hailee Steinfeld). When the confrontation gets out of hand, Jinx will accidentally shoot Silko, but this will use his last breath to reassure her that he will never sacrifice her for her dream.

Since Silko apparently appears with the final ending in the first season of the Arcane, there could be multiple ways for the character to return without compromising the storyline. One way might be to have him reappear through Jinx’s hallucinations, joining his deceased childhood friends Milo and Clagor. Alternatively, since Piltover and Zaun are set to change forever due to Jinx’s final blow, Season 2 could take another step back in time to explore how the two cities reached the tipping point that viewers learned from flashbacks. the bigger story, Silko’s past and what led to the death of Jinx and Vi’s parents.

Since Arcane has been well received by critics and the public, Spisak’s surprise update will be welcomed by many. While the character has certainly left an imprint on viewers with her battles between aspirations and the people she cares about, her final moments have definitely set Jinx on a path that has changed the world of the show. Therefore, many may be interested to see how Silko can continue to influence Arcane even from the grave.

Source: Ikuzo unscripted

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