Are the lives of Palestinians valuable to us?


Ramzi Nasr, an actor and writer, made a wonderful statement about Israel’s targeting of civilians in Gaza on the BNN Fara program he attended. In his speech, Nasr stressed the catastrophe taking place in the region and the suffering of the Palestinians.

Nasr boldly said on the live broadcast: “The Palestinians are being burned alive. There is a problem with humanity: watching and not interfering. Do we ever think about what they dream of?”

Referring to the news broadcast by the media channels of Western countries, Nasr said: “In Israel and Europe, all those who were captured and those who died were commemorated by their names. Their relatives and friends saw the news about them on television and in newspapers.” We learned about the lives and dreams of the dead. I think this is the right thing,” he said.

“Do we know the names of the dead Palestinian children?”

Asked whether Palestinian lives have the same value, Nasser said: “But I have a question. Do Palestinian lives have the same value for us? Do we know the names of dead Palestinian children?” male.

Nasr’s sensitive and effective speech had a great impact in the Netherlands on the events in Gaza and the difficulties experienced by the Palestinians.

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