Are there any harm in drinking milk and dairy products during diarrhea and vomiting?Nutritionist Andrea Calderon responds

when we have Vomiting and diarrhea, characteristic symptoms of gastroenteritis or some other gastric process or digestive (e.g. due to gastritis cryptosporidiosisEU supervision) the most important thing is to have a good moisturizing, or what’s the same, don’t let yourself get dehydrated.And for this, the best thing is Take the essence orally or add alkaline lemon waterespecially the first 24 hours, and Not an isotonic drink Classic for athletes since they do not contain the mineral salts required for this process.

On the other hand, regarding feedit is better to keep one Soft or astringent foods Some of these foods are best avoided, namely Not recommended food Like whole grains, saturated fat, and of course, milk. It is not, In this case it is not There’s no such thing as milk being “bad” for diarrhea, but, like everything, some questions have to be clarified.

“When we are sick with digestive problems, the consumption of milk and dairy products may or may not be contraindicated, depending on the underlying pathology,” he assures Andrea Calderón, nutritionist and nutritionist, scientific secretary Spanish Society of Nutrition and Food Science (SEDCA) Professor at the European University of Madrid.

For example, “If we have diarrhea on a given day because something may have made us feel uncomfortable, there is no need to remove the milk, because if the intestinal mucosa is not damaged. If we drink a glass of milk or dairy products,” he explains.

although”When diarrhea lasts for several days due to severe digestive problems“Due to the lactose content in milk, it is often recommended to temporarily stop drinking milk,” he added.

Calderon explains that this is because “we may be deficient in lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose (due to damage to the intestinal lining), so we can’t digest it well and symptoms worsen.”

But on the other hand, if we don’t perform well gastritis For example, it does not affect the intestinal absorption of milk and does not have a negative impact on us.

If we have diarrhea on a certain day, there is no need to stop breastfeeding, but when it lasts for several days, due to severe digestive problems, it is recommended to temporarily stop breastfeeding because milk contains lactose.

However, as Calderon insists, it’s important to clarify that “removing milk doesn’t make us recover faster, it just makes you have less symptoms at the time.” On the other hand, another option is to drink Milk, but in small amounts, or lactose-free for a few days will definitely make us feel better because the lactose has been predigested. It feels so much better and we can break it into smaller portions completely naturally,” he details.

However, there are other dairy products such as yogurt or cheese There is much less lactose than cow’s milk, “so they may be better tolerated, especially fermented dairy products and more mature cheeses (the ones with the least lactose), but the latter are high in fat and wouldn’t be the best choice . Best. Recommended if we have diarrhea,” said the professional.

And, “All fermented things like yogurt or kefir contain probiotic microorganisms, so it won’t be superfluous. So if they feel good to us, it’s not recommended to remove them, and if we remove them, it will be The first was reintroduced for its nutritional contribution and as a probiotic,” the expert concludes.

In fact, in Stop Gastroenteritis and Diarrhea, Soft Food: 8 Foods You Can Eat and 8 Foods You Can’t Eat,also Nutritionist Natalia Moragues He explained to us what foods were not recommended when we had diarrhea for an extended period of time (i.e. not on a specific day).

These foods include dairy products. As Moragues also says, during these procedures it is better to choose naturally lactose-free dairy products (since lactose intolerance sometimes occurs temporarily) and preferably fermented dairy products, such as natural yogurt (without sugar) or cottage cheese .

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