Argentina again free of bird flu | Radio FM 104.5

Argentina declared itself free of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (IAAP) to the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA) through the National Agri-Food Hygiene and Quality Service (Senasa) on Tuesday after ending its previous outbreak. Commercial birds, 179 days after the start of the health emergency.

This is through a paper presented to multilateral organizations, “This supports and maintains the status quo in Argentina as a country free from this disease”, The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Juan José Bahillo, said before the end of the health operation for the last HPAI (commercial cycle) outbreak in poultry.

“More than 28 days have passed since the completion of the depopulation mission (including final disposal, cleaning and disinfection of the affected farms), closing down of the 18 commercial establishments with HPAI outbreaks registered on the national territory. the last one”, Senasa explained in a statement.

Likewise, official agencies emphasize that “Since June this year, according to epidemiological monitoring, no new poultry outbreaks have been found”.

Since the start of the outbreak, Senasa’s National Animal Health Authority (DNSA) has registered a total of 558 notifications, of which 469 have been processed and 89 have been discarded: 280 for backyard cases, 104 for corral cases and 85 for wild cases . .

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