Argentina back to fitness again

On February 15 this year, the National Health Administration Resolution No. 147 declared a national health emergency.

Avian Influenza.

this Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries reported that Argentina restores health to HPAI-free country. This way, health action completed for him Latest Bird Flu Outbreak18 outbreak sites found in commercial establishments registered in the country have been closed.

The department consists of Juan Jose Bashiro He emphasized in a statement: “Under the impetus of the Minister of Economy, in coordination with the productive sector and provincial and national institutions, Sergio Massaenabling Argentina to return to epidemiological stability nearly six months after the virus was first detected on poultry farms“.

In the same sense, National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) convey to World Organization for Animal Health (WHO) Restoring Argentina’s health status as a bird flu-free country Comply with recommendations from international entities.

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Avian Influenza Prevention Program

he biology permanently enforced prevention plan under National Poultry Health Programthe target is keep it,make sure Health and quality of poultry products for domestic consumption and export.

In that frame, Import of live poultry and fresh poultry products is not allowed The country that has declared the disease on its territory.

“It should be noted that the spread of disease occursfundamentally, from living animals to humans Within the framework of close domestic coexistence, as happened in virus-affected Asian countriesthey reported from Senasa.

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