Argentina restores health to bird flu-free country

In February this year, the first confirmed case of the new strain in China.Reuters

this Ministry of Agriculture Health action in the last outbreak Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) The outbreak in poultry, the last of 18 outbreaks detected in commercial establishments registered in Argentina, has ended. In this way, Argentina has returned to epidemiological stability almost 6 months after the virus was first detected in poultry farms.

“he National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) raised to World Organization for Animal Health (WHO) “This document with its own declaration supports and maintains the status quo of Argentina as a country free of the disease,” explained Juan José Bahillo, head of the region.

in some meaning, file by National Animal Health Authority (DNSA) of Senasa Describes the measures taken since the first outbreak was confirmed in February 2023, the slaughter and disinfection actions, and the epidemiological surveillance performed, which support free state status under section 10.4.6 of the OMSA Terrestrial Animal Health Act.

In any case, the state of health emergency remains in effect through epidemiological surveillance and preventive tasks throughout the country. It is important to remember that bird flu is a notifiable infectious disease in our country according to national regulations. National Security Agency Resolution No. 153/2021 Anyone who becomes aware of death, neurological, digestive and/or respiratory symptoms in wild or poultry may notify the agency through the following channels:

A new strain of H5N1 avian influenza virus was detected in 2020 and is spreading rapidly among wild and domestic birds around the world. Along the way, it has also affected other animals such as mink and sea lions, and the first cases were registered in the country in 2023.

On February 15 this year, Bashiro confirmed the first case of bird flu (H5N1) in Argentina. The patient was a wild migratory bird found in Argentina. Jujuy Province. A health emergency was declared at the time, and “positive” cases have soared since then.

Poultry exports resumed in early April.Effie

As of March, 10 provinces (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, San Luis, Neuquen, Rionegro, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Sa 40 avian influenza foci were detected in birds of Huerta and Jujuy).

According to the National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa), the most poultry outbreaks occurred in provinces Cordobafollowed by the province Buenos Aires and Neuquen.

The spread of the virus has also affected poultry on industrial sites, leading Argentine “Auto” to suspend exports of poultry production on 28 February. About a month later (April 3 this year), export activity resumed and compliance with the international standards implemented in the framework of the health crisis was confirmed.

Now, Senasa has sent the self-declaration of Argentina’s epidemic-free countries to the WHO, but the losses caused by the health emergency will be difficult to recover.

Regarding production, the President of the Center for Poultry Processing Companies (CEPA), Roberto Domenech, He insisted that the bird flu outbreak had caused millions of dollars in damages and had “significantly affected the layer industry”. In particular, he noted that in the towns of General Roca and Cipoleti, 630,000 chickens had to be slaughtered. Subsequently, 80,000 breeders were lost in Ciudad General Alber, in the province of Buenos Aires, and 18,000 in Mar del Plata. “Also in Esperanza, Santa Fe, 15,500 breeders were slaughtered. He noted that 75 cases of backyard birds had been identified.

In addition, the agency assured that chicken exports contracted by 28% in volume and 35% in value in the first quarter, meaning millions of dollars in losses for businesses and national governments.

continue reading:

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Argentine government confirms case of bird flu and declares health emergency
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