Ariana Grande says no more lipstick: I used it to conceal

Ariana Grande opened up about beauty by revealing that she’s been wearing lipstick for years. He’s said enough about gimmicks today and took the opportunity to share an important message on body positivity.

Ariana Grande she is one of the most beloved singers in the world, but since her debut until today, many fans have noticed very obvious aesthetic changes. If some time ago he always denied all kinds retouch, now everything has changed: in a video interview published for Vogue and published on YouTube, the singer opened up on the topic of beauty. He admitted that he’s been getting lip plumping injections for years, but today he’s said enough for anyone. aesthetic interventionto allow his natural beauty to emerge without artificiality or filters: these are his words.

Ariana Grande admitted that she touched up her lips

It is now well known that showbiz stars are under constant pressure when it comes to beauty: they all seem to be in search of perfection and eternal youth, as if they feel obliged to chase a certain stereotype if they want to achieve success and success. stay on top of the crest of the wave. Ariana Grande is just one of many who have regretted the adjustments made to adapt to the traditional model, and today she is no longer afraid to go public with it. His words were: “I’ve had a lot of lip fillers and botox over the years. I stopped in 2018 because I felt… too much. I felt like I was hiding, you know?” Very long hair, bright eyeliner, full lips – today the pop star has said enough about everything that makes her beauty “artificial”.

Ariana Grande in her youth

Ariana Grande in her youth

“I want to see my well-deserved wrinkles”

In a Vogue video, Ariana Grande broke down in tears while talking about her experience with beauty treatments, explaining that for a long time she used beauty and makeup to hide herself, as if it were some kind of disguise. The reason for his insecurity? Having been subjected to public condemnation from a very early age, she did not yet know how to deal with criticism, what was worth listening to and what was not, and found herself chasing a generally accepted ideal, but far from reality. . Today everything has changed, he has stopped resorting to touch-ups, but this does not mean that he condemns those who do it. “Whatever makes you feel beautiful, I support it, but I know for me it’s like I want to see my well-earned tears and smile lines. I hope the lines in my smile get deeper and deeper… and I think aging can be such a beautiful thing.“: this is how the singer ended her performance, sending an important message regarding body positivity.

Ariana Grande responds to weight criticism: ‘I took antidepressants and drank, I was unhealthy’

Ariana Grande in 2016

Ariana Grande in 2016

73% of Italian teenagers have had cosmetic procedures

Ariana Grande’s story, like Kylie Jenner’s (she also regretted having her breasts retouched when she was very small), has highlighted an increasingly alarming fact: the number of teenagers undergoing surgery and aesthetic medicine has increased to 18 years. According to data released last year during a conference on hair, nails and anti-aging, 73% of Italian teenagers have undergone correction, from anti-cellulite treatments to lip plumping injections to more invasive surgeries such as rhinoplasty or lip contouring. lips, ears.

Ariana Grande today

Ariana Grande today

In a society dominated by sympathy and the desire to appear, it is clear that very young people feel almost forced to pursue perfection at all costs, which is considered the only way to gain approval and affection. However, on social media, the images shared by stars and influencers are distorted by filters and retouching, making this stereotype distorted and only achievable through “external” intervention. The detail that unites most teenagers who succumb to the temptation of the scalpel? When they grow up, they regret the choices they made, realizing that these small flaws were nothing more than a sign of their uniqueness.

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