Article 31 – Rugby Sound, Castello di Legnano – 04/07/2023

After triumphant and sold-out dates at the Mediolanum Forum d’Esago last April, Tuesday 4 July 2023The Article 31 He returned to play in the province of Milan. The venue is of the highest standard and over the years has attracted thousands of enthusiasts with a very diverse programming that satisfies a wide variety of music lovers.

Legnano and its relics for ten days Castle, are being mobilized for a grand festival called the “Rugby Sound Festival”, featuring programming from Shining Productions. Craft beers, exquisite gourmet dishes prepared by various street-foods keep visitors entertained while waiting for the daily program.

Well seven thousand people presented for return Article 31after their first provisional reelection in 2019. The audience is entertained by various DJs, including Article 31 loyalist, DJ Vladi, who entertains the audience, with a variety of pieces from different genres that excite the audience.
It would seem like a cool and warm evening in early summer, but unfortunately it is not to be.
Jay-X and Dj Zedd appear on the stage ofRugby Sound FestivalFollowing the Sanremo single “Un bel viaggio”, released not long ago with his new single “Filosofia del fuck off”, which is an autobiographical piece about his career and his peace.

With a lineup fronted by rapper Friend Space One and singer Giulia Jean, the band entertained the public with its many landmark successes and a variety of stages. Space for rap but also space for the rock of “Spirale Ovale” or “Italiano Medio”. There were also some funny moments when an enterprising young fan caught the duo’s attention with a hint to DJ Zedd to marry her. DJ Zed was then defined by Jay X as Justin (Bieber).

Jay X thanked the crowd in attendance and actually said he was surprised that in 2023, there were still so many people to see him at the Rugby Sound Festival. Unfortunately, the light early rain gradually became more intense and many spectators took shelter under a canopy in the hope that the rain would ease.
After washing himself thoroughly, the concert continued and at one point it seemed that everything was almost over.

There was still time to hear “La Fiancee”, “Gente Chespera” and other hits from the Milanese rap/rock group. “Tranqui Funky” got everyone dancing In rain and Jay-X called the audience “heroic” and added, “Not even for the Oasis reunion, they would have braved the rain like tonight’s audience”.

Finally there was time for Jay-X and Article 31’s duet “Du Su Due” with his brother Grido, which was also an autobiographical piece. After this, lightning and even more heavy rain forced many people to take shelter under the large spire, in the hope that everything would subside.
This was not the case and unfortunately the concert was suspended for reasons of public order.

We didn’t get a chance to hear the Sanremo single “Un Bel Viaggio” or the landmark hit “Maria,” like Jay-X’s other solo hits. The band appeared to me to be even more cohesive and very compact than the Forum.

Whether they like it or not, but many people are attached to memories and moments because of their songs and live performances, although they know how to do it and not a little.

set list

fuck philosophy
a scream
those who hope
city ​​streets
fuck you
cool funky
average italian
i will stop tomorrow
oval spiral
my girlfriend leads
No doubt
Due Su Due (feat. Grido)
go beautiful

Mauro Brebia.

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