Ashfall from Popocatepetl volcano intensifies – La Jornada Estado de México

Cities in areas around the Popocatepetl volcano have seen ash fall for a sixth day in a row, but the volcano alert remains in yellow phase two.

Residents of Amekameca, Atlautla, Ekazingo, Ozomba and Tepetrixpa reported falling volcanic material since last Saturday, but this Thursday the phenomenon This has been particularly exacerbated in the city of Atlautla, where the civil protection and fire departments are distributing free face masks and respirators. Eye drops.

Erick Espiridión Marino, director of Atlautla Civil Protection, assured that local authorities will follow the monitoring of the volcano carried out by the National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED) and follow the instructions of the State of Mexico Advice from the Civil Defense Coordination Centre.

photo: special

Atlautla: ash fall from Popocatepetl volcano intensifies

He added that strong ashfall could affect the respiratory tract and cause conjunctivitis or skin irritation.

«Some of the advice we have for people is: avoid outdoor exercise, cover your eyes, mouth and nose with a mask, wear glasses or goggles, wear a hat; You must also cover any water tanks, farm animal or pet drinking bowls, close windows and avoid exposure to volcanic ash as much as possible,” he noted.

He mentioned that residents must sweep ash from streets and terraces and collect it in bags or containers with the solid waste delivered to collection trucks because if this is not done, ash that comes in contact with water will end up in the bins . It then sets like cement, causing clogged pipes and severe damage.

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According to the monitoring report released by Cenaprede on Thursday, the Popocatepetl volcano recorded 62 eruptions in 24 hours, accompanied by water vapor, volcanic gases, and sometimes volcanic ash. The shaking lasted for 63 minutes, and Two explosions occurred: a moderate explosion at 6:29 and a second explosion at 6:29. The smaller one is at 9:50.

Senaprede reiterated that the Popocatepetl volcano warning signal is in the second stage of yellow and asked the public to ignore rumors and pay attention to the incident and official information released by the National Civil Protection Coordination Center.

photo: special


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