Asymptomatic C diff carriers are 24 times more likely to develop C diff than non-carriers

Asymptomatic infection Clostridium difficile (Difference) Hospitalized patients rarely spread the bacteria to other patients, according to a recent study tracking imported bacteria. Difference Strains in U.S. Intensive Care Units (ICUs) Published in JAMA Network Open.These findings may further support the efficacy of the current Difference Nosocomial infection (CDI) prevention strategies to limit cross-transmission.

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In 9-month ICU study, only 1% of patients admitted to ICU developed infection Difference by cross-transmission; however, asymptomatic carriers—carriers Difference Studies have found that those who do not show clinical symptoms of CDI are more likely to be infected with CDI.

CDI is a common healthcare-associated infectious disease that causes diarrhea. It can be extremely costly to health systems and contribute to morbidity and mortality.Study begins to assess whether asymptomatic carriers are virus reservoirs Difference In healthcare facilities, 29% of patients admitted may be asymptomatic spore carriers.

This longitudinal, observational, single-center study aimed to describe the risk factors associated with asymptomatic carriers Difference Enter ICU wards and assess associated burden and transmission dynamics. Researchers performed culture-based screening of nearly all patients admitted to U.S. ICUs over a nine-month period and performed genomic, microbiological, and epidemiological analyzes of all identified isolates using whole-genome sequencing. (WGS) for analysis. Difference found in the sample.

Screening showed that 67 asymptomatic and toxin-producing patients came to the ICU. Difference during the 9-month study period.These patients have not been shown to be at high risk of transmitting the virus Difference spread germs to other patients in the ICU; however, that Difference Carriers are indeed significantly more likely to contract CDI than patients without carriers Difference. Actually, Difference Compared with non-carriers, carriers have a 24-fold higher risk of developing CDI while in hospital.

Probiotics, fidaxomicin prophylaxis, fecal microbiota transplantation, and antimicrobial stewardship programs are all promising interventions to prevent CDI. Difference carrier. Antimicrobial stewardship is the most common intervention to prevent hospital-wide CDI, but these interventions have not been evaluated in individual carriers.

Limitations of the study include the use of only patients from 1 ICU in a wealthy country, limiting the generalizability of the findings; possible underestimation of the number of transitional links and cocolonizing strains; and possible undetected patients. C difference; Unable to confirm that certain strains predominate in subsequent cases of CDI; and possible overdiagnosis of CDI.

Although the study shows that current prevention strategies are relatively effective, transmission frequency is not high; 6 genomic tests during the 9-month period Difference Transmission within the ICU. These data support implementation of basic hygiene practices and single wards to minimize cross-transmission.Additionally, patients are screened Difference Can be prevented on admission C difference Transmission in hospital settings.

“Further reductions in nosocomial CDI will require the development of more effective strategies to interrupt the transition from colonization to clinical infection,” the study authors wrote in the article. “In this context, it is more feasible than investing additional resources to interrupt cross-transmission. , which will have a greater impact on further reducing CDI risks.”

refer to

Miles-Jay A, Snitkin E, Lin M, et al.Longitudinal genomic surveillance of carriage and transmission Clostridium difficile In the intensive care unit. Nutter Medicine. 2023;29:2526–2534. Number: 10.1038/s41591-023-02549-4

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