Authorities are already planning for possible contagion scenarios

(EFE) – this british health and safety agency The UK Health and Safety Authority (UKHSA) reported on Monday the first human case of H1N2 swine flu.

Infection detected during “Routine monitoring process” Influenza virus, after the person’s doctor tests positive during a visit “Respiratory symptoms”UKHSA explained in a statement today.

The description indicates that the person suffered “Mild disease” Then “Has made a full recovery” Swine influenza virus subtypes (or swine flu).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) website, swine flu viruses usually They do not infect humansalthough there are occasional reports Outbreaks in humans who have direct contact with pigs.

In this sense, UKHSA says “The source of infection has not yet been determined“, therefore”Still under investigation“.

“We work quickly Trace close contacts and reduce any possible spread. According to established protocols, an investigation will be conducted to find out how the person became infected and to assess whether there are more related cases. “Meera Chand, the agency’s incident director, said in the report.

Likewise, their chief veterinarian Christine Middlemiss assured they were providing “Professional scientific and veterinary knowledge“To strengthen UKHSA’s investigation into the first case detected in the UK.

Pig farmers should also immediately report any suspected swine flu in their herds to their local veterinarian.” added the expert.

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