Authorities issue allergy alert | Advance Valley

Mexicali – The Institute for Safety and Social Services of Governmental and Municipal Workers of Baja California (ISSSTECALI) invites members to follow recommendations for preventing allergic diseases caused by temperature changes.

Angélica Pon Méndez, deputy director of the medical field at ISSSTECALI, commented that allergies are an overreaction of the immune system to an invasive substance called an allergen, causing symptoms that can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening problems. A person’s life..

He said as moderate to strong wind gusts are likely to occur in the state, allergies may occur among the population, the most common being rhinitis (nose), conjunctivitis (eyes), sinusitis (paranasal sinuses), asthma and bronchitis .Allergy (generally genetic factors).

The main symptoms are runny nose, red and watery eyes, itching of the nose, eyes and roof of the mouth; sneezing, nasal congestion, pressure in the nose and cheekbones, ear plugs, dark circles, itchy skin; However, everyone is sensitive to different allergens The reactions are different and therefore the symptoms are also different.

Some tips to avoid allergies are: don’t expose yourself to sudden weather changes, remove fabric curtains, feather pillows, upholstered furniture and stuffed animals, replace carpets with tile floors, clean floors and surfaces frequently with a mop or damp cloth, Vacuum fabric furniture and floors regularly, wash all bedding weekly in hot water, and don’t use a mattress protector.

Pang Mendez invites eligible people who suffer from any type of allergy to see a specialist to receive appropriate treatment.


In light of the Santa Ana winds present in the region, the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development of Baja California (SMADS) has made some recommendations to prevent accidents and fires.

In this sense, he reports that fires are an important source of pollution in terms of emissions into the atmosphere, and the presence of Santa Ana winds favors the rapid spread of fires that characterize southern California. Strong dry hot winds occur mainly in autumn (including September, October, November and early December).

Some suggestions to avoid fires during this season are: do not burn garbage, mainly on grasslands, since fire spread is greater in arid areas; do not let campfires light or throw away cigarette butts that are still lit; keep open spaces clean, especially glass , to prevent fires caused by the “magnifying glass effect” produced when the sun’s rays pass through the glass.

It’s also important to take extra care with fiber optic cables during the Santa Ana wind season to avoid falling accidents, which can also cause fires.

It is important to take into account that strong wind gusts favor the spread of flames, so awareness of preventive measures must be raised to avoid starting fires, especially in these weather conditions, which not only affects the environment but also people’s health. A native of Baja California.

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