Avian Flu: Advice for people traveling to the coast

Avian Flu: Advice for people traveling to the coast

The Municipal Youth Bureau, SENASA (National Agricultural Food Sanitation and Quality Service) and the Secretariat of Environmental Management reported worrying situations in our coastal areas related to sea lions and avian influenza.
In recent weeks, bird flu-affected sea lions have been spotted on our beaches. This situation is concerning because these animals are a fundamental part of our environmental ecosystem and may be carriers of the disease.
As a precautionary measure, as spring approaches and seasonal travel increases, they share some important advice:

1. Avoid direct contact with sea lions: keep a safe distance and do not try to approach these animals. If you notice someone who is sick or acting strangely, it is recommended to report it to the competent authorities.

2. Don’t feed sea lions: Feeding these animals changes their natural behavior and increases the risk of spreading disease. Allow them to obtain food naturally in their habitat.

3. Wash your hands: After touching sand, water or any surface on the coast, it is important to wash your hands with soap and water to prevent the spread of any type of illness.

4. Avoid contact with wild birds: Bird flu can also be spread by migratory birds, so do not contact or be close to wild birds, especially those in poor health.

5. Understand health measures: Keep abreast of recommendations and prevention programs issued by competent authorities such as SENASA and the Environmental Management Secretariat to protect yourself and animals.

6. Report any suspected cases: If you spot any sick or dead sea lions or wild birds on our coasts, please notify municipal authorities or SENASA immediately so they can take necessary measures.

Remember, protecting our biodiversity is everyone’s responsibility. Together we can protect the natural environment and prevent the spread of disease. Enjoy your spring trip, but always take care of the marine animals and follow these tips!

Avian Flu: Advice for people traveling to the coast

Avian Flu: Advice for people traveling to the coast

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