Avian Flu: Controlled beach openings

In order to ensure the passage of people while protecting the safety of wildlife and tourists, the Inter-Agency Crisis Committee decided to allow access to a part of the area, demarcated as 400 meters to the left and 400 meters to the right. main entrance.

The opening will be the individual responsibility of each visitor, in accordance with the regulations set out in the operational protocols against the disease.

The Municipality of Viedma will proceed with the installation and periodic dismantling of fences to delineate areas of authorized access to ensure effective control of authorized areas.

Likewise, ongoing monitoring of the entire nature reserve will be carried out in coordination with the Municipality of Viedma to ensure that measures are adhered to.

The decision is part of the cooperation between provincial and municipal authorities and various specialized organizations within the framework of the Inter-Agency Crisis Committee, with the aim of protecting the ecosystem and allowing responsible community access to the space in a controlled manner. .

In this context, we are reminded of the importance of responsibly observing all precautionary measures. Pets are not allowed on the beach and be sure to keep your distance if you see a dead marine animal or bird.

If you suspect or report sea lions or affected birds, please contact SENASA. You can do this through the nearest local office, through the SENASA notification app for Android devices, by sending an email to notification@senasa.gob.ar, by calling 11 5700 5704 or by filling in the online form.

At this moment, everyone’s cooperation and responsibility are crucial to control the spread and safeguard people’s health.

All sectors of society are requested to keep abreast of the situation through official channels and follow the instructions of the intervention organization authorities.

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