The dead sea lions were discovered in the spa of Bratovic, the mayor of the Villarino district: “These findings come within the framework of surveillance actions and hygiene measures implemented nationwide to prevent the disease , these measures were enacted by the National Health Department. HPAI Declaration of Emergency – Senasa Resolution No. 147/2023”, the statement details.
Furthermore, they added, Senasa “Stressing that recent detection results in marine mammals do not affect the self-declared animal health status at the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO), Argentina is considered free of highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry”.
In turn, they insisted that “from the day the National Health Service was notified of a suspected case, the National Health Service worked with municipal, provincial and national agencies to implement intervention programs for these cases and to coordinate strategies and health actions to contain the outbreak and providing information to entities”.
The agency also explained that in the protocols for collecting samples from animals, burial sites for animals killed by the disease were identified with local authorities to avoid any type of contamination or contagion from other animals or people.
They noted that under this procedure, if an animal develops symptoms or dies, Senasa must be notified so that it can go to the scene to assess the situation. If applicable, sample and send to laboratory. Then he started burying the dead animals.