Avoid the common cold during winter with these important and effective tips

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Mexico City. – more than a quarter of people Get colds at least five times a year. This number is quite high, to say the least.If you want to stay away from these Statistical data We try to provide you with some tip Simple to use every day to protect yourself from this condition Virus.

cold symptoms

Common cold symptoms are like unhappy thus affecting respiratory tract. This can cause burning sensation, nasal congestion, throat and nasal passage irritation, and more.all of these symptom It’s due to the spread of the virus Air. But it is often accompanied by moderate fever not exceeding 38.5℃.

How to prevent colds?

There are many ways to protect yourself from the common cold Precaution You can accept. However, you don’t have to wait until the first symptoms appear to take action. These tips will help you keep yourself and your family healthy.

  • wash hands often

You may not need a reminder, but be mindful of what you use your hands for before washing them.These are members of our body that have More bacteria. For example, avoid touching your face after using a doorknob.So wash your hands frequently reduce risk Spread cold viruses.

To cope with this problem, drink hot they always welcome.Whether it’s in the morning, during the day, or before bed, try infusion in your daily life.

  • stay hydrated and eat well

If you want to maintain a healthy body and prevent colds at the same time, you must take the following measures: healthy eating. Therefore, choose organic products and hot meals instead of fast food.Juicy vegetable soups and stews await you Nutrients Boost immunity.Also, be sure to always keep watery. Therefore, try to drink at least four glasses of water every day.

  • Ventilate bedrooms and work spaces

A common mistake is to think that a room should not be ventilated when it is cold, but this is a beneficial practice in many ways. In fact, it is important to keep the indoor air fresh. Evacuate contaminants and microorganisms What’s out there, including cold viruses. Additionally, fresh air can boost your immunity and prepare you for the outside temperatures. So try opening your windows every morning and breathing in the fresh air to rejuvenate your mind and body after a good night’s sleep.

Source: Sonora Tribune

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