Bad Conscience (2023) by Davide Minnella



Filippo is a perfection in life, a successful lawyer, a generous person and a caring boyfriend. This is the merit of Otto, his impeccable conscience. However, one day Otto arrives late at the checkpoint and realizes that an unconscious Filippo has completely turned his life upside down. In order to correct the disaster and prevent his bosses, the Higher Consciousnesses, from taking revenge on him, Otto will have to descend to earth to personally meet with Philip.


Bad conscience.  poster



Original name: bad conscience
Director: David Minnella
Country/year: Italy / 2023
Type: Dramatic
Throw: Giovanni Esposito, Gianfranco Gallo, Matilda Jolie, Beatrice Granno, Caterina Guzzanti, Filippo Schicitano, Francesco Schianna, Alessandro Benvenuti, Drusilla Foer
Screenplay: David Minnella
Photo: Mark Bassano
Assembly: Sara McTeague
Music: Motta
Director: Federica Lucisano, Fulvio Lucisano
Production house: Italian International Film, Vision Distribution
Distribution: Spreading the vision

Release date: 07/19/2023


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