Bad tension between Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber

The tension between fans of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber’s wife is taking on disturbing dimensions. There have even been death threats via social media. All the details.

Rivalries are fine, perhaps amplified by popularity and social networks, but we must avoid exaggerating, which is not easy with ardent and fundamentalist followers. Something like this seems to be going on with regards to stabbed via social between the singer and actress Selena Gomez And Hailey Biebermodel wife of Justin and niece of another struggling star like Alec Baldwin. Where does this dynamic come from? It would seem linked to Justin, former partner of Selena and husband of Hailey since 2018. According to some, it was the model that caused the end of Gomez and Bieber’s love.

The two exchanged fiery messages, at least for them, for non-public reasons and which obviously concern only them. The problem is that the dynamic has unleashed the protective instincts of Selena Gomez fans, who have raged against Hailey Bieber excessively. So much so that the singer was forced to calm the waters, responding with a very clear instagram story.

So he wrote, “Hailey Bieber contacted me and told me that she is receiving death threats and other hateful and negative messages. That’s not what I stand for. No one should be hated and bullied. I’ve always stood for kindness and I really want this to stop.”

We really needed his intervention, because the anonymity of social media sometimes fuels crazy reactions.

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