Baja California Sur to set up hepatitis C observatory; more than 1,800 screenings

Hepatitis C Observatory to be established at BCS; over 1,800 screenings to detect the condition already conducted during 2023

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La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). The Baja California Sur Health Department (SSA) reported that a Hepatitis C Observatory will be established, noting that more than 1,800 screenings have been carried out so far this year (2023) in prisons and rehabilitation centers. It is designed to prevent serious complications in patients who do not treat their disease on time.

In order to reduce the incidence of this disease, all institutions in the health sector will integrate an observatory, with the aim of jointly strengthening the detection and treatment strategies of patients with this disease, who, if not treated in the initial stage, may take your Lives are in danger.

Minister of Health Zazil Flores Aldape mentioned at the meeting of the National Health Sector and Inter-Agency Command (CEISS) that the observatory will be an organism that will enhance the application of tests, to identify cases and take pharmacological action to facilitate people’s recovery, as well as to develop measures to prevent new infections.

He said the Ministry of Health had conducted more than 1,800 screenings in 2023 to detect or rule out the disease, through out-of-school treatment in prisons and drug rehabilitation centres, as well as interventions delivered by medical units.

These are being carried out in complete secrecy, but by increasing the number of tests conducted by all agencies in the sector to allow for more timely detection.

All people who test positive for hepatitis C and lack all rights are receiving free DAA-based treatment at outpatient centers for HIV and STI prevention and care (CAPASITS in Los Cabos and La Paz), state officials said , and the Juan Maria de Salvatila Specialized General Hospital.

It should be mentioned that the main associated symptoms of this condition include dark colored urine, yellowing of the skin and eyes, fatigue and loss of appetite.

Flores Ardape added that, above all, another objective to be followed by the Observatory is to facilitate the exchange of information between institutions on confirmed patients, optimizing their medical follow-up in case they change their rights, thus Guarantee the continuity of treatment. So that they can recover.

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