Barbareschi with Favino: “La Cruz looks like an exorcist”

Luke Barbareschi is currently in Venice submit your Penitent at the Laguna Film Festival. On this occasion, he gave an interview to the magazine Pen where, among other things, he also talked about the controversy raised in the last few days Pierfrancesco Favino who criticized the choice of the role of the Italian character, Enzo Ferrari, American actor, Adam Driver.

There is a theme of cultural appropriation, it is not clear why not me, but actors of this level, – the actor said, referring to his colleagues in the film Adagio Toni Servillo, Adriano Giannini, Valerio Mastandrea, – instead, they are not involved in such films. they trust foreign actors who are far from the real heroes of the stories, starting with an exotic accent. If a Cuban can’t make a Mexican, why can an American make an Italian? Only here. In other eras at Ferrari, Gassmann would have done it, today Driver does it, and no one says anything. It seems to me that this is a disdainful attitude towards the Italian system, if these are general laws, then we participate in them.

Luke Barbareschi he agreed with these words, even attacking Penelope Cruz which reads next to Adam Driver V Ferrari.

I’m glad that Favino came there, whom I respect, and that others support him, I’m glad. They always come there in six months or a year, now everyone is finally waking up. But I’ve been there first for some time, says Luca Barbareschi. I talked to him about the problem of Italian storytelling, Italian identity, Italian companies. This is a fundamental battle, because there are few real Italians left of us.. Here I watch embarrassing films in English. There is an identity issue. Some Spaniards think it’s enough to say “Hey you, pass me the pasta” to play an Italian.

The whole world reads in their own languages, only we continue to think that we should bow to the Americans, Barbareschi continues. The problem is not in the language itself, we are doubling everything, but in the culture. Favino is right, I myself said the same thing a year ago, I respect him and find it intolerable this new trend that started with the House of Gucci, in which it is staged as the Italians would say, made by the British and Americans, Italian English read, but because of a mental disorder. Now Ferrari has a Penélope Cruz who speaks with a Spanish accent, trying to be from Romagna, like an exorcist with different voices inside her. The real problem is that we are the ones who have to tell Italian stories. At the same time, I am not saying that I forbid anything, but I hope that big investments will be made in culture. It’s a pity that others have to tell us Italians who instead have limitless creativity.

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