Barry Manilow finally gets his show on Broadway after two decades

Another milestone for Barry

After two decades of working on this project, Barry Manilow finally brought his show to Broadway. “Harmony”. Barrymore Theatre.

The cast periodically sings at the box office, and Manilov himself sells tickets outside the window. One Boston woman waited online for two days. Previews coming soon. Premiere: November 13.

Our city of crime and dirt

Daily lousy news. Last week at 2 p.m., a silver-haired woman walked alone on the east side of Madison, between 72nd and 71st streets, past a Ralph Lauren store and a longtime church.

She was robbed right before her eyes, in broad daylight. Passers-by ran after him. I caught him and grabbed him. This What has life in New York become? Targets for weapons? The purpose of the robbery? Knife targets? Tax purposes? Rat goals?

Mayor Koch once declared New York a “sanctuary.” Mayor Giuliani, who welcomed Koch’s invitation, now argues that Democrats have made New York welcoming to immigrants. Koch and Giuliani established this pattern.

Solution: Remember when DeSantis said he was humane and brought them immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard? Winter is coming. It’s cruel to send immigrants to the frozen north. He could finance a bus cavalcade to South Carolina, Georgia, Florida. It costs less to house and feed them shipped from Texas, and keeps them awake on the freezing streets of New York.

There are more Peelites in the world. I do not know Senator Menendez of New Jersey personally. I only know that my wife has custom-made clothes, professionally bleached hair, a good manicure, expensive necklaces, bracelets, earrings, beautiful handbags. That’s all what I know.

Attractive celebrities

LAWYER Mark Geragos – clients include Winona Ryder, Michael Jackson, Colin Kaepernick, Jussie Smollett, Clinton’s brother Roger. I asked why many lawyers are now in prison.

MG: “When the feds target you, the conviction rate is astronomical. High 90s. Few can withstand such scrutiny.”

Does he believe everything the client tells him? “No. In the third round they touch on the truth. It used to be too awkward or humiliating, so they shade things until the third round.”

Jussie Smollett? “There is nothing convincing about their evidence against him.” Winona Ryder? “The alleged shoplifting case of the century. Some minor charge. Kaepernick? “Lightning rod. I couldn’t be more impressed with him.” Michael Jackson? “I told him straight out that you will pay me the full freight, taxes and service charges. Then you will only pay once. I did it with Michael and he paid me.”

One thing with Geragos. Absolutely no client was ever at fault.

Challenge to mind

REMEMBER when life was simpler, before area codes like 212, 718, 646, when telephone numbers had names like: Plaza, Gramercy, Columbus, Beekman, Ludlow, Melrose, Endicott, Trafalgar, Murray Hill, and ours was there really an operator?

And when we could squeeze into restaurants like Tudor City Steakhouse, which this week fed the presidents of Slovenia and Bosnia and the prime minister of the Bahamas, while Canaletto’s Elvis Sumberac fed so many UN VIPs, that cars had to be parked several blocks away?

AS THE UN cluttered the city, this ambassador asked where his wife, who had returned home late, had gone. She said, “I was with my secretary.” He said: “It’s impossible. Because I was with your secretary.

Only in New York, children, only in New York.

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