Be careful not to confuse spring allergies with colds

Dr. Luis Jaime, deputy dean of the School of Health Sciences at the Universidad Autònoma of Chile, said that under the current climate conditions, the most important season for pollen expression has arrived, and it is necessary to pay attention to symptoms to distinguish the two states.

Trees produce pollen, spring allergies reappear, and with recent rains the clinical picture becomes more complex, because in addition to the symptoms of this condition are added possible cold symptoms, which can be confused with each other. . Self-medicating in these situations without seeing a doctor for adequate diagnosis and treatment can make the situation worse.
In this regard, Dr. Luis Jaime Gaete, deputy dean of the School of Health Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chile, was consulted. He believes that prevention is crucial.
“In Chile, usually at the end of August, trees start to spread pollen, with Oriental plantain being the most common case in the central region of the country… Allergies that appear at least at some point during the illness may initially be associated with Confused with the common cold, as they can also present with a stuffy nose, itchy nose, and most likely itchy eyes. However, given that we cover our eyes with our hands, scratch our noses, etc., they can become more complicated and cause Different types of infections. That’s why it’s important to have an adequate diagnosis a few days after the onset of symptoms,” he noted.
In this sense, he warned that special attention should be paid to cases of complex allergies and, therefore, emergency measures should be taken in the event of severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, tightness of the throat, etc. In addition to these symptoms, they include coughing, sometimes vomiting, and swelling of the eyelids, hands, and lips.
It is worth noting that, according to medical estimates, two out of every ten Chileans suffer from some type of allergy, which occurs continuously throughout the year and/or in spring and summer, depending on the situation. And weeds appear.
In late October, levels of grass pollen and various weeds begin to increase, which has also been linked to allergy cases.
It is worth mentioning that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), allergies are the fourth most common disease in the world.
It is speculated that by 2050, more than half of the population will have one of these diseases, and the reasons for the increase in the number of people with this disease remain unclear.

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