Beach closures, animal deaths and a lot of worry

Although there have been no human cases of bird flu so far, all precautionary measures have been taken to the extreme. Although there have been no human cases of bird flu so far, all precautionary measures have been taken to the extreme.


Senasa confirmed that the deaths in the ports of Mar del Plata and Caiken were caused by bird flu.

In the case of the Río Negro province, where more than 50 animals died, they insisted on advising against accessing beaches from El Condor to La Loberia.

Only one case was officially reported last week, and the results of the samples collected these days have been sent to Senasa Laboratories and are expected to be released next Monday or Tuesday, although there will undoubtedly be deaths from the same disease Only one case was officially reported last week, and the results of the samples collected these days have been sent to Senasa Laboratories and are expected to be released next Monday or Tuesday, although there will undoubtedly be deaths from the same disease

The likely focus is the area around the wolf habitat within the Punta Bermeja Nature Reserve, rather than the center of the habitat, at least for now; according to official information. Animals have died on various beaches in the area, as bodies are dragged by currents and deposited there.

Fabian Llanos, undersecretary of biodiversity for the environment and climate change of the Rio Negro, said that as of Friday, a machine from the provincial water board had joined the effort to bury the bodies, “respecting international protocols.”

The official stated that “The virus has the potential to spread to humans“Although there were only three registered cases in the United States, Ecuador and Chile; he recalled “Don’t use the beach especially have petsand recognize we face a complicated situation“.


Senasa personnel take samples in the Punta Bermeja area. Photo: Sebastian Ortega/SACC

The situation is monitored by a commission composed of representatives of the Ministry of the Environment, the Environmental Sanitation Field and the Epidemiological Coordination Unit of the Ministry of Health, the municipalities of Viedma, Senasa, the Argentine Naval Department and the Rio Negro Police Department.

Additionally, Senasa stated that “In sampling programmes, work with local authorities to identify burial sites for suspected dead animals to avoid any type of contamination or contagion from other animals or people“.

The national agency also stated that “theRecent test results in marine mammals do not affect self-declared animal health status to the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA), and Argentina is considered HPAI-free in poultry“.

Given the behavior of the disease and its forms of transmission and transmission, Senasa continues to maintain a state of vigilance in cooperation with different regions and with national, provincial, municipal organizations and production sectors

What to Do Before a Dead Animal Appears

* Restrictions on access to the beach: It is strongly requested not to enter the affected beach area. Avoiding touching these areas can help significantly reduce the risk of contagion.

* Pet Control: Recall of ban on bringing pets to beaches. Exposure of livestock to the virus is very dangerous and facilitates its spread.

* Distance to sea lions and dead birds: If you see sea lions or find dead birds, it is recommended to keep a safe distance and avoid direct contact. This minimizes the chance of the virus spreading.

* Avoid contaminating the surface: It is advised not to touch surfaces that may be contaminated with saliva, mucous membranes, or bird droppings, whether wild or free-ranging.

* Sick or Dead Bird Reports: If you find wild and domestic birds in a sick or dead state, contact Senasa authorities immediately via the nearest local office, the SENASA notification app for Android devices, by email at, by dialing Call 11 5700 5704 or complete the online form.

According to the authorities, “At this moment, everyone’s cooperation and responsibility are essential to control the spread and protect the health of the people”, “The community is requested to keep informed of the situation through official channels and follow the instructions of the authorities of the intervening agencies”“.

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