BELL Techniques to Enjoy the Power of Now (This Will Change Your Life)

1997, spiritual guide Eckhart Tolle published his now classic The power of nowinviting us to conduct an internal investigation Start in the present moment and transcend yourself and your thoughts. In this work, the German-born teacher insists that the only time is now. so, Must live in the moment. But what is there at this moment?

Live in the moment: what it means

Everyone has their own experience, but The future and the past certainly do not exist here and now.

But in order to survive, Our brains rely on memory to work.

The mind is accustomed to predicting the near future Thereby being prepared for what may happen. In the body, it turns into what we call a reflex, which we use in martial arts, driving, or any sport.

When we dwell on the past, we prolong the pain Those experiences we cannot change, Or we anxiously project ourselves into the futurewhich is a nest of worries, often imagined.

Psychological warfare can also be waged in the moment when we reject a situationthe posture or manner in which our family or friends act when we fight against it Instead of “loving the status quo”, As Byron Katie said.

Michael Brown, author the process of existence, Defines present-moment awareness as “a state of being, not something we do.”

when we meet flow statedefined by psychologists Mihai Csikszentmihalyi As a moment of action in which we lose ourselves and our temporality, We are fully focused on what we are doingwe can live 100% in the present moment.

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