Benefits of Aloe Vera in Food

Health and Wellness

In addition to its use in cosmetics, this plant also provides a variety of vitamins that can be included in our diet.

September 21, 2023. Updated at 05:00 AM

Benefits of Aloe Vera in Food

Most people know its benefits aloe vera as raw materials for products Beauty and skin care.However, this succulent also has high nutritional value and can be used as vitamins and minerals.One of its various benefits is the ability to adjust Gastrointestinal diseases Examples include diarrhea, constipation and gastritis. In addition, it can effectively inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori in gastric tissue.

The plant belongs to the Liliaceae family and is divided into about 500 different species, also known as aloe vera, asibal anyone Barbados Aloe Vera. The breed is found from southern Africa to South and Central America and the Mediterranean.Its uses are diverse and found in different medicines in different cultures, but it is mostly associated with Skin care and health.

Although aloe vera is a thorny plant that used to go unnoticed, it’s its fleshy, gelatinous, large, slender leaves that have beneficial health properties.So this factory can be incorporated into balanced diet.


Aloe vera has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help treat skin problems or burns.In addition, it has a moisturizing effect and is particularly suitable for nourishing the skin dry skin such as sensitive ones while helping to reduce appearance of wrinkles.

It also has cleansing and laxative properties and is an important ingredient in pain relief products. constipate and promote a Healthy intestinal transit.

Due to its analgesic properties, its sedative effect relieves pain and skin inflammation.Likewise, it also stands out for its ability to healing and regenerationas it stimulates collagen production and promotes the formation of new blood vessels, thereby promoting skin recovery after injury.

But how to eat it?

We can consume aloe vera in different ways such as infusion Or add it to juice along with other fruits. You’ll be surprised at the pleasure you can get by mixing a small portion of the succulent with pineapple, green apple, orange or melon juice to create a variety of flavors and vitamins.

Another option is to prepare a Milkshake or Smoothie Serve with milk, strawberries, mango or banana. One tip is to add a few drops of lemon to improve the flavor and offset the bitterness of the aloe vera. In order to take full advantage of its properties, it is important to use the plant in its natural state, which you can buy in the supermarket or grow at home.

The substance in aloe that causes the bitter taste is called aloin and should not be eaten. You can eliminate this by soaking the cut but unpeeled leaves in a large glass of water for 24 hours, changing the water three times a day. This way, the water absorbs all the aloin and you can enjoy the plant in a healthy way.

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