Biassono: a diplomat by day, a pizzer by night.

The story of Riccardo Pezzano, a 23 year old student who left Biassono and moved to The Hague, Holland.

He left his native Biassono to study diplomacy. His young age and desire to be involved in life led him to make very important choices in his life consisting of commitment, experience, work and study, never giving up to achieve his goals.

Diplomat by day, pizza by night

This is a story about Richard Pezzano 23-year-old boy who moved from Biassono toThe Hague, Holland last year to get up close and personal with the world of the embassy. He was born and raised in Cascina Sant’Andrea, received a degree in international relations from Bocconi in English, now he is completing a master’s degree in international relations and works as a data analyst, and in the evening we find him behind the counter as a pizza maker to support his studies and pay the bill.” renting an apartment that he shares with two other people. He lives in a 9 square meter room with a rent of just over 500 euros.


“At the moment, I have no plans to return to Italy, even if I am more than happy to go to Biassono to find my parents and grandmother, who lives in the Anni Verdi residence. In Italy, it is difficult to study and work at the same time due to the structure of the faculties. In the Netherlands, the teaching method is different and allows me to manage shifts in a pizzeria. Unlike in Italy, in class you need to prepare in advance for the topic of the day in order to be able to participate in the class discussion. I started from scratch in the kitchen, then I worked as a waiter, and then I went back to the counter to make the dough, I’m actually Italian, and in Italy, you know, they eat very well, I focused on this, and also on some culinary dishes. experiments during quarantine are associated with a share of luck. I would like to go on a mission abroad. I want to make the most of international experience. The Hague is a very important city for international relations and this is a good opportunity also because The Hague, Brussels and Strasbourg are cities of international organizations, I would like to stay for a few more years and then, who knows, make a career in the United Kingdom. Nations, let’s see what the world of work has to offer me,” stressed the Biasso man, who emigrated abroad of his own choice, a choice he does not regret.

Riccardo is one of those young people who always has a suitcase in hand and is ready for any challenge. Any regrets?

“Perhaps the climate: it’s the sun, which is trying its best to warm, and the bitter cold, but you get used to it,” continued Biassonet.

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