Bird flu affects millions of seabirds around the world and is approaching Antarctica

The Antarctic Peninsula is an important breeding ground for many important Antarctic species. Crucially, these penguins (and others, including the iconic emperor penguin) live in dense colonies found nowhere else in the world, making them particularly vulnerable to disease outbreaks (AP/Natacha Pisarenko, archive)

people often imagine Antarctica As the last intact natural place. Unfortunately, Avian Influenza Also invading the frozen continent.The virus has spread to nearby islands Antarctic Peninsula and South America. Further developments are only a matter of time.

To date, avian influenza has been detected in several species of seabirds in the region. South Georgia and Falkland Islands. These birds are known to travel to Antarctica. Researchers also suspect avian influenza is responsible for the mass die-off of southern elephant seals.

The arrival of bird flu in the White Continent could have potentially catastrophic consequences for humanity. wild animals, wipe out a large number of people. These outbreaks can also disrupt tourism and research activities during the busy summer months.

An outbreak in the Antarctic Peninsula would also be extremely detrimental to the tourism industry (Andes)

we are in the middle of a pandemic massive avian influenza pandemicthis phenomenon is occurring around the world, affecting more than 200 species of wild birds.

Although this avian influenza virus (H5N1) is an old enemy, the genetics and epidemiology of the virus have changed.It was once found mainly in poultry, but It is now infecting large numbers of wild birds. Migrants spread the virus, and major outbreaks are currently occurring in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America.

Bird flu has devastated seabird populations around the world, including a 70% decline in the gannet population in Bathrock, England. Many birds become ill, with symptoms including loss of coordination, watering eyes, twisted heads, difficulty breathing or being lethargic.

In addition to birds, the virus may have killed more than 30,000 South American sea lions has exceeded There are 2,500 baby elephant seals in South America. Georgia has observed a mass die-off of baby elephant seals, but no virus was detected in samples sent to labs for testing.

Bird flu was first detected near Antarctica in early October on Bird Island in South Georgia. brown skua, a seabird that resembles a large gull. A few weeks later, cases of another species of seabird, the seabird, were confirmed in the Falkland Islands. Nanguan mold

Genetic analysis showed that the virus entered these areas twice. Skuas and kelp gulls are thought to be the species most likely to spread the virus to the Antarctic continent. risk assessment Most recently, as they traveled to the region from South America. They are also highly susceptible to avian influenza, with more than 60% of related species lost in the Northern Hemisphere.

In addition to birds, the virus may have killed more than 30,000 South American sea lions

The Antarctic Peninsula is important breeding ground for many important Antarctic species.Fundamentally, these (and others, including the iconic Emperor penguins) live in dense groups found nowhere else in the world, which makes them particularly vulnerable to a disease outbreak.

An outbreak in the Antarctic Peninsula would also be extremely detrimental to humanity. Tourism Industry. In the 2022-23 tourist season, more than 104,000 people visited.The traveler comes closer to see wild animals, Land on the mainland and enjoy the scenery.

Once avian influenza is confirmed in a certain location, Attractions will be closed to tourists. This will create a different experience for guests as wildlife encounters on land will become a cruise activity.

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research’s Antarctic Wildlife Health Network develops recommendations for the research and tourism communities.They include information about Biosecurity, testing and case notification. This online database collects information on suspected and confirmed cases of H5N1 avian influenza in the Antarctic region. This is crucial for fast data exchange.

Disease surveillance and information sharing among all those working in the Far South is vital

During the 2022-23 season, a small number of researchers analyzed suspected cases and conducted investigations to rule out the presence of avian influenza. This year, the effort will expand significantly thanks to the generosity of industry partners. The network will conduct surveys across Antarctica and Sub-Antarctica to monitor the presence of the virus and its impact on wildlife.

Measures have been promoted Security and bioprotection the entire scientific community and tourism industry Reduce the risk of people spreading the virus. This should ensure that important scientific research and tourism activities can continue safely.

New measures currently in place include disinfecting boots and outerwear, using N95 masks, goggles and gloves when in contact with wildlife, and restricting access to infected sites.he Tourism can play an important role in testing and monitoring The spread of the virus alerts authorities to new cases in places scientists have not visited.

The International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators is on high alert. Additional training for field staff will help them quickly identify wildlife diseases.

Safety and bioconservation measures are being promoted throughout the scientific community and tourism industry

Many threats to Antarctica, including climate change, pollution and pathogens, They come from somewhere else. Climate change is expected to increase the spread of infectious diseases in wildlife, and Antarctica is not immune.

Disease surveillance and information sharing between all those working in the Far South is critical to help minimize the impact of avian influenza and future disease threats.The example of bird flu highlights the connectedness of our world and why we must Take care of the earth at home Protect the southern end.

*This article was originally published on dialogue

* Hanne EF Nielsen is Professor at the University of Tasmania; Megan Dewar is a Research Fellow in the School of Science, Psychology and Sport, Federation University, Australia, and Michelle Wille is at the University of Melbourne, Australia researcher.

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