Bird flu confirmed in Antarctica.

Montevideo | the whole field | Him Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) Spain detects deadly bird flu in Antarctica for first time.

The virus has been February 24th Skua seabird sample (Inside picture) Argentinian scientists discovered a body near the Antarctic base of Primavera, which was confirmed by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation’s Severo Ochoa Center for Molecular Biology on Sunday.

“The analysis does show that The birds were infected with H5 subtype avian influenza, and at least one of the dead birds contained highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses.China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation said in a statement.

The Scientific Research Council said the confirmation was possible “thanks to international cooperation, in particular with Argentina, and the coordination of the Spanish Polar Commission”.

Now, people working in the area must Prepare to “avoid human-to-human transmission of infection and, most importantly, avoid infecting humans”.

This is the “first time that a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has reached Antarctica, despite its distance and natural barriers from other continents,” and the finding “could explain the recorded bird deaths during the Antarctic summer.”

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.

The High Council for Scientific Research is the Spanish national body responsible for scientific research and technological development, with a unique legal personality, its own assets and finances, functional and managerial autonomy, full legal capacity and indefinite term.

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