Bird flu found in flock of turkeys on North Carolina farm

RALEIGH – A flock of turkeys at a Lenoir County farm has tested positive for high-pathway avian influenza.

This is revealed by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

“This is the first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in commercial poultry in North Carolina since 2022, when highly pathogenic avian influenza was detected at nine poultry operations in Johnston and Wayne counties,” the agency said. .”

The positive sample was first identified by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Raleigh and confirmed by the USDA APHIS National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa.

“Unfortunately, we now have an outbreak at a poultry farm in North Carolina,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler

“We’ve dealt with this before, we’ve been trained, and we have great partners. I believe we are as prepared as any state in the country to deal with this,” he said. “

According to the Centers for Disease Control, this type of virus (highly pathogenic avian influenza) poses a low risk to humans.

However, it is highly contagious to other birds, including flocks of commercial birds and backyard birds.

The virus is also not considered a food safety threat and infected birds will not enter the food supply.

If your flock experiences sudden higher than normal mortality, report it to your local veterinarian immediately.

Also notify the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Veterinary Division at 919-707-3250.

Another location is the North Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System, 919-733-3986. “

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