Bird flu in La Loberia: Sudestada takes away several bodies and begins retreat

In La Loberia, the situation has improved in recent days, especially for the sea lion population affected by avian influenza. Recent southeasterly storms help keep beaches clean, Remove carcasses of sea lions that died of disease.

About 20 days ago, the same area Presents a less than encouraging imagethere were several dead sea lions on the beach.

However, a recent “souther” – a weather phenomenon characterized by strong winds and high tides – carried away the bodies of the dead sea lions.Not only does this help with beach cleaning; Eliminate contaminated remains affecting remaining sea lions and other species.

“The situation has changed dramatically compared to 20 days ago, and now we see more favorable prospects for achieving the Ministry of Environment’s goals of restoring the condition of the beaches before the season,” said Marco Magnanelli, representative of El Cóndor.

Different methods will be used to remove the bodies this week. Photo: Marcelo Ochoa.

Bird flu in La Loberia: carcass removal operation

“Currently, we are about to conduct test exercises using different methods to remove bodies,” he said. These exercises will be performed in a fourtrax equipped with lingam and rope “This will help move the animals and bring their bodies closer to the tideline.”

Regarding the bodies that turned up in El Candor, he said, “In recent days, The remains of about 25 animals that were dragged away by the waves turned up in El Cóndor. But they have been deleted.

As summer is coming, Local residents, marine life enthusiasts and conservationists keep a close eye on the area, Hopefully, the health of the sea lion population continues to improve.

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