Bird flu is raging, and they also found a dead wild boar | News Network

Cases of avian influenza in sea lions and birds in the region have dropped significantly, but concerns about a possible resurgence of the epidemic have raised concerns in coastal communities in southern Buenos Aires province and eastern Rio Negro. focus on.

A large number of dead birds have appeared in the La Barriza area on the north shore of the Rio Negro estuary, alarming residents who go to the seaside town for fishing or vacations. However, Deputy City Representative Jesus Martinez was calm, saying that the last major death occurred a month ago and that the wolves had been buried.


Speaking to the news network, the official said, “The problem of bird deaths is not new, it came up a few days ago with wolves. In fact, the last major death event we recorded must have happened about 25 days ago. “

According to Martinez, “That day, a batch of about 400 terns died due to avian influenza. In fact, it was terrible to see the number of dead birds on the beach. Now that the beach is dry, neither birds were observed nor Dead Wolf, everything is peaceful.”

Regarding wolves, he pointed out, “They appear sporadically, and some were killed by the tide and left on the coast. There was even a wild boar that died. Apparently it came to the coast, ate part of the wolf and then Dead.” “This all happened a month ago and there’s been no news since. If there are some dry bird remains, it’s the wolf that was buried.”

City officials said what happened “has been reported to Chief of Staff Fabio Bertinelli.” He had contacts with the public service and the National Agricultural Food Hygiene and Quality Service (SENASA), who even took the remains for analysis, but it was all caused by bird flu. “

On the other hand, he said, “Everything is calm at the moment and we hope things will continue like this, except for rumors of a new outbreak of bird flu, which will be very complicated because summer is coming.”

In addition to what Martinez said, several neighbors observed and even took photos of dead birds in different areas of the beach last weekend, including one father who decided to leave the beach with his children after seeing the Dante-esque spectacle.

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