Bird flu kills 90 sea lions in Camarone

The National Agricultural Health and Quality Service (Senasa) has confirmed that 90 sea lions have died from bird flu at Cape Laso, near Camarones. Cases have also been registered in Puerto de Seado (Santa Cruz).

The state laboratory diagnosed the disease, which it said was positive, in samples taken from dead sea lions found at the site last Sunday.
These findings come within the framework of nationwide surveillance operations and hygiene measures to prevent the disease.
National health agencies are implementing intervention programs for these cases in collaboration with municipal, provincial and national agencies to coordinate health strategies and actions to control the outbreak and to provide reliable information.


A team traveled to Cape Lasso over the weekend, based on information about the date a large number of dead sea lion specimens were found.
At the site, it has been confirmed that there are about ninety sea lion specimens of different age groups, which are no longer alive, and about fifteen sea lion specimens have obvious symptoms of illness.
Senasa representatives took the samples and sent them to the laboratory of the state agency in the province of Buenos Aires.
Following the investigation, reference staff at the El Chanuito agency where the specimen was found were promptly informed and received advice on the case.


Senasa advises against handling dead animals or animals showing suspicious symptoms. Likewise, producers, institutions, and the public are reminded that notification must be made if high mortality, neurological, digestive, and/or respiratory symptoms of susceptible species are found in wild birds or in commercial or backyard poultry.
It is also advised not to travel to poultry farms or wildlife habitats after exposure to dead or symptomatic animals.
According to Senasa Resolution No. 153/2021, avian influenza is a notifiable disease in our country and anyone who notices dead, neurological, digestive and/or respiratory symptoms in wild or domestic poultry can notify the agency through the following channels:
Go in person to the nearest Senasa office, call 11 5700 5704; via the mobile device application “Senasa Notifications” available in the Play Store; write to email or via “Notifications Senasa” on their website part. More information on the Avian Influenza microsite.

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