Bird flu: “The probability of infecting humans is not zero and can mutate”

The outbreak of bird flu in sea lions on the southern breakwater continues to add chapters, and beyond the decision to close the space in our city where it all started, questions remain about how to handle the situation.

For this reason, since traditional Chinese medicine go through K2 radiowe communicated with epidemiologists belen irengarehe explained to us “The situation, which began in December 2022 and is dwindling with the first case in Canada, is apparently linked to the migratory routes of waterfowl, which are often reservoirs, accidentally infecting poultry or other wildlife. “.

he added “When we found a large number of videos of sudden deaths, it was highly suspected that it was bird flu”so “I have to go back because it wasn’t last week, we had poultry outbreaks in San Cayetano and Mar del Plata two months ago, so we’ve been seeing something spreading”.

then he realized “Everything about the warning to the population is great”but “I’m always at risk that the virus will mutate, adapt and cross hurdles that no one wants to happen”.

Irungarey added to this “Unlikely, because it’s easy to identify the focal point, and it’s already obvious to the sea lions that no one is going to approach, because what they approach is what they want to risk”Although “There are always people who don’t believe it because they believe what other people say is a lie”.

Towards the end of the interview he also said “If a dog can be infected and it can infect me, or a scavenger bird can infect a backyard bird, I can come into contact with the dog”so “Our goal is no pets, if I have a dead bird in my backyard, I won’t touch it, I’ll call Senasa”.

he ended the comment “Let’s know we don’t have to leave more fertile ground for viruses to enter organisms to multiply and mutate”because “The probability of infection is not zero and can mutate”.

Listen to the full interview here:

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