Bird flu will ‘collapse’ egg and chicken trade

written in economy he

Alejandro MaciasThe former National Influenza A (H1N1) Commissioner assured that if the epidemic is not contained, H5N1 Avian Influenzathis virus can cause damage Chicken and egg trade.

interviewing Enrique AcevedoIn the absence of Dennis Mackfor JunctionThe former civil servant noted that if cases of H5N1 bird flu increase in the Republic, it will cause “huge damage” to the country’s economy.

“This virus is circulating around the world. The public health risk exists around the world, whether it appears in Mexico, China or anywhere else,” he said. “

According to him, “Having just one infected chicken on a farm could mean that all the chickens have to be culled.”, which may trigger a crisis. “

Likewise, that “Mexico has an advantage because chickens are universally vaccinated, but is concerning and should be followed up to see what actions were taken to avoid an outbreak in Sonora. “

This Thursday, world organization for animal health (World Health Organization Association) reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza at a farm in Sonora state.

The outbreak resulted in the death of 15,000 birds in a building housing 90,000 laying hens.the rest of these animals must be sacrificed.

this General Administration of Animal Health (DGSA) noted that during field surveys, It was observed that there is an irrigation canal 40 meters away from the farm and there are a large number of migratory ducks.which is why it recommends extreme biosecurity measures to avoid new infections.

According to the Department of Agriculture, after being notified by the producer, “technical staff of the Mexican-United States Commission for the Prevention of Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Other Exotic Animal Diseases (DGSA) “Appropriate epidemic prevention measures have been taken”.

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