Black Mirror, Salma Hayek, Miley Cyrus and all the stars are looking forward to the sixth season. vogue italy

black Mirror Returns with new episodes and new stories between technology and alienated humanity, but also with big names like Salma Hayek

One of the most interesting and disturbing series of recent years is back: black Mirror, serial compilation, produced by charlie brooker and focusing on the dystopian excesses of technological innovation, debuted in the United Kingdom in 2011, with a shocking episode dedicated to the humanitarian and media consequences of the prime minister’s kidnapping. The disruptive effect of that episode, as well as its aftermath, is suspended between all satire, social condemnation and dark predictions, which sparked the interest of Netflix and an explosion of global publicity. now season 6 has started June 15 on NetflixAlong with five other stories, the aim is also to explore the most obscure, toxic or unpredictable messes of our relationship with media, technology and above all humans.

During the various seasons, Brooker has experimented black Mirror Not only the most disparate subject matter but also the most different languages, Corrupting genres and temporal levels, aesthetic research and directorial gimmicks. Even the choice of artists was a very strong criterion for the experiment, as they often chose each other. practically unknown actor to give a face to the audience’s darkest dramas and anxieties; However, at other times, the game was to put famous stars in absurd situations, unexpected, which will allow them to transform. After all, that’s the secret of series like this: Whether we’re talking about artificial intelligence, virtual reality, surveillance systems, hate on social media, but also about companies of the future or space exploration, there’s no such scenario. which is far away instead it may not even be a matter of concern deeper and deeper core About our secrets and our worries.

But here are some of the faces that have appeared in different seasons black MirrorStarting with the closest.

Salma Hayek

Courtesy of Netflix

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