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Important milestone for the founder and frontman of the Rolling Stones, who lived a life of sex, drugs and rock’n’roll

Mick Jagger Did Rolling stone He will turn 80 on July 26. to celebrate this important milestone spots decided to dedicate this episode to the rock star “Mick 80!” By Cristiana Turchetti, broadcast on Rai 3 on Saturday 22 July at 20.00. Through films and music that trace his life and career, we’ll ride the giant wave of an artist (and a band) that has been synonymous with rock’n’roll for more than 60 years.

Mick Jagger: career and personal life

world rock legend, mick jagger is one of them founder of the rolling stones, the band that marked the history of music. Jagger also embarked on a solo career in the 1980s after some differences with the rest of the group, which he later returned to. There was no dearth of experience as an actor. Mick’s love life is turbulent, he is considered a true seducer: he has had three wives (and countless love stories) and eight childrenThe latest of which was born when the rock star was 73. The artist has a house in Sicily.

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