Briatore lost weight on TV. “Are you all right?” He explains what happened.

new’ Flavio Briatore was a guest of the first edition of “È semper Cartabianca”, a program Bianca Berlinguer broadcast on Reta 4. The entrepreneur turned out to be very thin. “He is OK? Why such a figure? What diet?”– the journalist immediately asked the guest. “Alternative fasting”– answered the former manager of the Formula 1 team, who later said that he had lost 18 kilograms in a year. “Everything is fine with me? I’m here…”he replied, laughing. Recently also Matteo Renzi and Rosario Fiorello admitted to following this pattern of eating when stars of the caliber of Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson tried it in America.

Flavio Briatore lost weight with intermittent fasting: what is it

Alternate fasting – also called intermittent fasting or cancellation of dinner – it is based on food intake during a given time windowremaining on an empty stomach for the remaining hours. At the same time, cells deprived of nutrition look for stored fat to use it as an energy source, giving the body the opportunity to attack excess fat and affect metabolism. apparently benefits different: it protects against tumors, aging, degenerative diseases. Compared to traditional diets, intermittent fasting doesn’t force you to weigh your food, follow strict charts, calculate your calorie intake, or limit or eliminate certain food categories.

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