Britney Spears’ ex-husband arrested for stalking

One mystery story involves Jason Alexander, who is known to have been married to pop star Britney Spears in 2004 for only 55 hours. The 41-year-old Louisiana native is at the center of a controversial stalking case that led to his expulsion from the Life Time Gym in Franklin, Tennessee.

Britney Spears’ ex-husband Jason Alexander kicked out of gym over stalking allegations

According to TMZ, Jason was suspended from the gym after being arrested for harassing another member. The news agency reported that police had launched an investigation into alleged stalking allegations and the incident resulted in Jason allegedly following an unidentified woman into the gym’s parking lot. The victim allegedly asked him to leave her alone, but he continued to repeatedly call her and send text messages.

Things got even more complicated when Jason was seen “driving past the woman’s house a couple of times the day after the alleged parking incident” and addressing her in the gym pool while she was with her son. As a result of these actions, Jason was banned from any contact with the woman in question and any mention of her on social media.

It should be noted that Jason Alexander was the unfortunate recipient of a short-lived marriage to Britney Spears in 2004, an episode that went down in history as one of the weirdest and briefest in the celebrity world. Britney Spears later married dancer Kevin Federline, with whom she had two children, and then divorced in 2007.

While Jason was embroiled in this controversial affair, pop star Britney Spears faced the end of her third marriage to Sam Asgari, who filed for divorce citing “irreconcilable differences.” Significantly, during his June 2022 wedding to Sam, Jason Alexander interrupted the event, claiming that Britney invited him in person, a gesture that caused a stir and raised further questions about his involvement in the singer’s life.

Following these events, a restraining order was obtained against Jason Alexander, which does not allow him to approach closer than 100 meters to the couple, thereby ensuring the safety of Britney and her ex-husband. Britney’s lawyer Matthew Rosengard expressed his gratitude to the local authorities for interfering in ensuring the protection of his client.

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