Britney Spears was humiliated by her children: “They didn’t want to say goodbye before moving to Hawaii”

Children born from a union with Kevin Federline with a transfer to Hawaii provide support from the mother until the age of 23, and not 18, as in California.

Britney Spears was humiliated by her children: “They didn’t want to say goodbye before moving to Hawaii”

Another blow to Britney Spears. OUR children Sean Preston and Jayden James they didn’t want to say goodbye to their mother before they moved in Hawaii with father Kevin and his wife Victoria. Lets know tmz, who writes: “Britney Spears won’t see her kids until they leave California. The boys are ready to move to Hawaii with ex-husband Kevin Federline without saying goodbye to their mother. Kevin urged the boys to see Britney before they left, but he didn’t force them to sit next to their mom if they didn’t agree.” The relationship between mother and children has long been not idyllic. Last year, the singer expressed all her bitterness at seeing the different attitude of the boys towards her, and now for many months Sean and Jayden have not visited her.

Moving to Hawaii would also have some economic consequences. In fact, here, unlike in California, it seems that the child support laws are different and stipulate that Kevin receives a monthly allowance of $40,000 from his ex-wife until the boys turn 23, while in California the limit is 18 years. .

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