Brooke Shields in health woes after drinking too much water

In the middle of the street—— Rescued by Bradley Cooper.

The actress admitted to Glamor magazine that she ended up in the emergency room due to a lack of sodium in her body.

In early 2023, actress Brooke Shields (58) Decided this would be his year.In January, his documentary Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields try to expose The light and shadow of child stars; in September, opening act at Cafe Carlisle and now hosts a show called what to do? It’s all good news. Until this fall.

according to a interview Grant charmA well-known translator recently encountered misfortune. complex epileptic seizures, This may have consequences deadly. However, The New Yorker rescued Bradley Cooper. “Basically, I’m preparing for a show; i drank a lot of water I didn’t know I was low in sodium,” she explained.

“I was waiting for an Uber and I got to the bottom of a flight of stairs and I started to look weird. The people I’m with tell me ‘How are you? ‘. I leave home and people keep asking me the same things, if I want coffee or if I’m okay.and then I walked to the corner for no reason, I began to wonder why I was there. Then I walked into L’Artusi restaurant and talked to the sommelier,” he told magazine editors.

“Then two women came up to me and I remember I didn’t know who they were. And then Everything starts to go black… My hands dropped to my sides and I hit myself Head against the wall. I started to have a attack.this means I’m foaming at the mouthall blue, and tried to swallow his tongue.The next thing I remember is they gave me a ambulance And he had oxygen,” he said.

“Sudden, I see Bradley Cooper sitting next to me, Hold my hand.And I really can’t do it Pronounce any word. I’m thinking, “This must be what death feels like: You wake up and Bradley Cooper says, ‘I’m going to the hospital with you, Brooke,’ and he holds your hand.” But I watched My hand, yes, Bradley’s hand is next to mine, I think “It’s weird and surreal,” he said with a smile.

But how does this household name do it? blue lake with actors a star is born In the ambulance?L’Artusi sommelier said, according to the publication Brooke’s husband Chris Hench When he saw she was wrong.He can’t get close and An assistant contacted Cooper; Who is a few meters away from the scene.

“They called Bradley and they told him I was on the ground and Chris wasn’t around and he was coming. He called an ambulance and they took me to the hospital… I just told the doctor ‘They gotta fix ’em! They thought it was my brain The one who was twitching.that’s why I have catheters, IVs… They put me in intensive care, where I got bronchitis“He said charm.

“at last, My symptoms were sodium deficiency. He drank a lot of water, he Flooded my system and I was drowning. Because when you don’t have enough sodium in your blood, urine, or body, you may have a seizure.The doctor asked me if Limit my salt intake but it is not the truth. “I don’t do it because I feel ‘bloated’ when I look younger,” she revealed.

“What happened is this I drank too much water, Because I thought I was dehydrated and I needed it because I was doing my show and Talk about it a lot on my podcast. But they have given me a solution.The doctor told me ‘it will be better if you drink so much water’ You also eat French fries every day'”, Shields commented that he has proven thisr full recovery on Instagram.

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