Bureaucracy is the flu plaguing Europe

A Ghosts haunt Europe. Or several.The most annoying of which is The specter of bureaucratic flu This bothers us. The Brussels equivalent of newspapers and more. And, to set the tone, maybe member states, The autonomous region government and city council are not far behind either.. Starting a business in a rural area, or in an uninhabited area, requires just as many licenses and documents as in a large urban center.

For example: for some people street market Cheese, milk, honey and other produce in towns and cities French Pyrenees Many Spaniards usually come on Sunday morning, most of them residents of their second home in the Pyrenees. why spanishexcept certain holidays, they don’t do that On this side of the border? “Because we are asked Too many permissions Do the same thing,” is usually the response.

It is understood that redundant provisionsFurthermore, it is made up of distant officials Rural issues.it is not only complex languagebut Lack of “legislative empathy” This is reflected in the demanding text.

‘European farmers and ranchers raise flags in anger amid road closures’

Loud, road blockades and sometimes total and brutal blockades of transport, farmers and ranchers Europeans raised their flags in anger.this Requirements list Although it was long, in all the countries where protests took place – France, where the violence was worse, and preferably Spain and Italy – Unanimous demand to eliminate labyrinthine bureaucracy.this SMEs and city councils have bogged down in paperwork Trying to obtain subsidies and support for its development or renovation. Unsurprisingly, only a third of the planned flexibility funding has been secured so far, and typically a large proportion of the funds that manage to be withdrawn are returned to Europe.

increased this need Reduce conflicting assumptions about roles Citrus from the Mediterranean European demand control and the application of certain phytosanitary products in its cultivation, while Moroccan citrusor from more distant countries, accepted without control Traceability of its cultivation process.

panic, Ursula von der LeyenEager to be re-elected as President of the European Commission after the June elections, Commitment to reduce bureaucracy in CAP (Community Agriculture Policy). As a matter of urgency, he withdrew some calls to stop the protests because he realized The far right exploited a large part of the riots. Due to the rise of the ultra-conservatives, the Christian Democratic-Social Democratic-Liberal majority that supports it is in danger in the European Parliament, especially in France, Germany and Italy where they are already in power, although in the case of the latter signs of mildness.

“Andalusia wants to be the region with the least bureaucracy. Great! Of course, if that makes a difference”

In this general upsurge of demand, andalusia, According to its president, Juan Manuel Moreno Bonillahoping to be a Hispanic community Reduce bureaucracy. good news! Of course, if something is done, it won’t still be a compelling statement. Autonomous champions, simplified procedures would be very welcome.

he tried Socialist Guillermo Fernández Vara When he presided over Extremadura, he decreed on excessive procedures that “everything that is not expressly prohibited and does not violate any fundamental norm must be authorized.” He posted it to the community’s official announcement. It is recommended to review Years later, What is this for? That innovative proposal.

Added this to so many pending battles: Bureaucratic simplification. give her.

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