Burnt Iron | Tips to be more efficient again

A burnt iron is not only unsightly, it can also damage our clothes.as Waste accumulation at the baseNot only does an iron distribute heat unevenly, it also transfers stains to our clothes. However, the good news is that cleaning this essential appliance in our lives doesn’t have to be a challenge.and Some tips and tricks, you can restore its shine and efficiency. Here we show you how to do it effortlessly.

1. Identify stain type

Before you start cleaning, it’s necessary to know What type of stain are you dealing with?. Is there starch accumulation? Remains of burnt tissue? Or maybe a combination of several types of waste? Identifying it will help you choose the best cleaning method.

2. Salt and aluminum foil: a dynamic duo

A popular and effective way to clean the bottom of a frying pan is to use salt and aluminum foil.Just sprinkle some salt on it on a piece of aluminum foil and heat the iron to maximum. Next, run the hot iron over the salt a few times. The abrasive particles in the salt will help break down and remove burnt residue.

3. White vinegar: all-purpose cleaner

This liquid is known for its cleaning and disinfecting properties. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a bowl. Dip a clean cloth into the solution and squeeze out excess liquid. Next, gently wipe the bottom of the iron with a cloth. If the stain is stubborn, you can heat the iron and dab it on a cloth soaked in pure vinegar.

4. Toothpaste: Not Just for Teeth

While this may seem surprising, this element can Very helpful in cleaning our small appliances. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the base, dab it with a damp cloth, and then wipe it off. This paste is lightly abrasive and can help break down stains without damaging the iron.

5. Baking soda: Mild abrasive

Make a paste from this ingredient and a little water.application Pasta to bottom of skillet And wipe gently with a damp cloth. Baking soda acts as a mild abrasive to remove residue without scratching the iron.

6. Avoid future accumulation

In addition to cleaning, precautions must be taken to prevent your iron from burning in the future.always Follow the instructions on the garment label and adjust the temperature accordingly. Empty the water tank after each use to avoid lime buildup and use distilled water if your tap water is hard.

More than just a clean iron Improve the appearance of clothes, while also ensuring a longer service life for clothes and appliances. With these tips, you can keep it in tip-top shape and ensure it’s always ready to face any ironing challenge. After all, a well-maintained tool is a tool that lasts.

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