Campobasso. The province “welcomes” Roberti, Civetta becomes president

The Palazzo Magno Council, convened by Acting President Horazio Civetta, returned to session. The Provincial Assembly, after recognizing the confiscation of President Francesco Roberti, elected governor of the Molise region, was convened to approve the management report for 2022 and ensure the balance and overall calculation of the budget for 2023.
Both items on the agenda were approved by a majority of votes.
“It was an important provincial council for the administrative activities of the provincial body, approving the final balance for 2022,” commented Acting President Orazio Civetta, “The Province of Campobasso is healthy and has shown, among other things, its activities in recent years. , with the work carried out and planned on provincial roads, as well as with the solution of problems in the road system that have not been resolved for several years, as well as with interventions in schools and gymnasiums under the jurisdiction of the province.
We have taken note of the confiscation of President Francesco Roberti, from whom I took over the reins of the institution, Horazio Civetta concluded. – The Provincial Council will continue the work started with Roberty, of which I was Managing Director from November 2019 to December. 2021 and Vice President from December 2021. The fruitful cooperation that took place with the offices and with the qualified administrative and technical staff of the institution will also continue.”

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