A cough is one of the most common symptoms of a respiratory infection, whether it’s the flu, allergies, or a cold. In some cases, however, this can cause chest pain, which can be a sign of serious complications and should be checked by a health professional.
According to Medline Plus experts, Chest pain when coughing can have a variety of causes, some of which do not pose a health hazard, while others do not They are life-threatening, so we must learn to recognize them and take care of ourselves.
One of the most common causes of this type of pain is A severe and frequent cough that affects organs in the chest area such as the heart, lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, tendons or nerves. This pain can spread to the neck, abdomen and back.
Chest pain when coughing can indicate serious symptoms
However, it is worth noting that Chest pain with blood pressure changes, shortness of breath, or loss of consciousness when coughing can be a sign of a problem Cardiovascular disease such as angina, rupture of the wall of the aorta, or blood clots in the lungs. These conditions require immediate medical attention.
Other health problems that can cause chest pain when coughing include swelling of the pericardium (the sac around the heart), collapsed lungs, pneumonia, inflammation of the lining around the lungs, panic attacks, shingles, and stomach cramps or strictures.
Seek immediate medical attention whenever you see these worrisome signs.
Don’t ignore chest pain when you cough, as it can be a warning sign of a serious health problem. Faced with any worrisome symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical help for a proper diagnosis and proper treatment.
Let’s take care of our health and don’t stop paying attention to the signals our body is sending us!
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