Cardoso reiterates to people the importance of maintaining dengue prevention measures

The province’s Public Health Minister Ricardo Cardoso accompanied Governor Gustavo Valdez on Monday to an official event hosted by the president in the capital Corrientes. Against this backdrop, he announced that the provincial plan to combat dengue will be unveiled on Thursday and reiterated to the population the importance of maintaining preventive measures to avoid the disease.

Therefore, when asked by the media about the epidemiological situation, Minister Ricardo Cardoso said: “We are relatively calm, but it is important to let people know that we are facing the possibility of an outbreak. This is what they say experts and epidemiologists”.

“In this sense, this Thursday we will launch the provincial plan to fight dengue as we do every year,” he said, explaining that within this framework we are working with the “Provincial Committee to Fight Dengue”.

He said the possibility of an eventual outbreak was “fundamentally due to issues with rain and heat providing an environment for mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) to breed, and in that sense it was important for people to know that “you should avoid having them in your home” Standing water. “

On the other hand, regarding the actions taken due to the flooding of the Parana and Uruguay rivers, he said: “Today we are working first with local actors. For example, we are in São Tomé, where we have hospitals. The response includes assisting evacuations, Providing appropriate care, medicines, etc. We also provide assistance in other areas such as Itati, Sant Cosme and the capital.

“The most common symptoms are some injuries, gastroenteritis, and often respiratory symptoms may occur when the climate changes,” he said.

Finally, regarding the dengue vaccine, the minister explained: “The outgoing national Ministry of Health authorities decided not to purchase the vaccine and therefore not distribute it to the provinces, because they have scientific and epidemiological reasons “despite the fact that it was approved by ANMAT approved, but they felt certain studies were missing to decide whether it was appropriate. “

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